Prevent Heart Attacks: Surprising Foods and a Vital Vitamin for a Healthier Heart and Cleaner Arteries
Boost Your Cardiovascular Health with These Delicious and Nutritious Superfoods 🍎🥦🐟🍇
Did you know that heart disease claims more lives than all forms of cancer combined, making it the leading cause of death for both men and women around the world? What’s even more shocking is that many people receive no prior warning. That’s why it’s crucial to take proactive steps to prevent heart attacks, with the most important factor being clean arteries.
In this eye-opening article, we will unveil the top foods for maintaining clean arteries and introduce a little-known vitamin that could be the secret weapon against plaque buildup in your arteries.
You might be astonished to learn that some of the worst foods for clogged arteries are whole wheat bread and low-fat yogurt. It seems counterintuitive, as we’ve often been advised to consume more of these items. But don’t worry, we’ll demystify this paradox in just a moment.
The wrong foods can lead to the formation of plaque within the inner walls of our arteries. At any given moment, a loose plaque can completely block an artery supplying the heart, resulting in a fatal heart attack. So, let’s dive into some of the most vital foods to keep your arteries pristine and help prevent heart attacks.
7. Flax Seeds: A Natural Way to Prevent Heart Attacks and Cleanse Arteries
These seeds can be hugely beneficial for cleaning our arteries as they’re a rich source of alpha linoleic acid, a mostly plant-based omega-3 fatty acid. Studies have shown that ALA and flaxseeds can prevent cholesterol from being deposited in the blood vessels and also lower inflammation. A 2008 study looked at 3638 individuals, and they found that people who consumed more ALA had a lower risk of heart attacks. Furthermore, flaxseeds also seemed to assist with lowering blood pressure. Canadian researchers found that eating 30 grams of flax seeds daily for six months lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Keeping blood pressure in a healthy range is vital for keeping arteries clean and healthy. But that’s not all flax seeds do. They have also been found to lower blood sugar. This is important, as high blood sugar can result in blood vessel dysfunction. Thus, lowering it helps your arteries work optimally. So what’s the best way to get these into your diet? Well, flaxseeds are best when ground fresh and then soaked in liquid. Doing so seems to optimize the body’s ability to break them down. Once you’ve ground them, add them to a smoothie or use them on top of oatmeal or yogurt.2. Walnuts: A Heart-Healthy Nut to Combat Heart Disease
These are known for two things: antioxidants and healthy fats.
Like flaxseeds, walnuts also contain the healthy fat alpha-linoleic acid, which is an omega-3 fat. They also contain the highest amount of antioxidants of all the tree nuts. Antioxidants help prevent damage to the blood vessel lining and, hence, reduce blocked arteries. They do this by offsetting damage from free radicals in the bloodstream.
Free radicals get into our bloodstream from things like toxic foods, pollution, and chemical exposure, just to name a few.
Another key thing about walnuts is their high content of vitamin E, which can help lower inflammation. Reducing inflammation in the arteries may facilitate optimal blood flow and hence reduce the risk of heart attacks.
One study compared giving participants a walnut-rich meal versus a refined, fatty meal. Researchers found that after the walnut-rich meal, the LDL, or bad cholesterol, as it is commonly known, had been protected from oxidation, whereas in the refined fatty meal, the LDL cholesterol had become oxidized.
Oxidized LDL cholesterol is more likely to build up in the arteries and cause heart attacks. It’s easy to add walnuts to your diet, too. You can just eat a handful as a snack or toss them into a salad or veggie stir-fry.
The next food on our list helps the body create a special molecule that allows our blood vessels to work optimally and let blood flow with ease.
5. Beetroot: The Heart’s Best Friend for Preventing Heart Attacks
This is a wonderful source of iron, vitamin B, fiber, phosphorus, potassium, folic acid, beta-carotene, vitamin A, magnesium, and vitamin C. These nutrients are all helpful for maintaining clean arteries and lowering blood pressure.
Many studies have found that a few hours after consuming beets, blood pressure can drop by between four and 10 mercury. This is due to the nitrates in it as they help the body produce nitric oxide, which causes blood vessels to widen, thus making it easier for the blood to flow and reducing blood pressure.
Beets have also been shown to reduce inflammation and improve the function of the cells lining the interior of the artery. Both are great news for the arteries and prevent heart attacks.
TIP! 👍
To get the most bang for your buck, raw beets are best. You can eat them by grating them into a salad or by juicing them with other vegetables.
4. Citrus Fruit: Vitamin C Powerhouse to Shield Your Heart and Prevent Attacks
These fruits are low in calories, rich in nutrients, and high in fiber. A high fiber intake is associated with lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Aside from this, citrus fruits are notorious for being a great source of vitamin C.
You may wonder what this has to do with our arteries. Well, vitamin C is a precursor of collagen, which is what our artery walls are made of. Having a healthy amount of it helps to keep our arteries flexible, allowing the blood to flow freely and reducing the risk of cardiovascular events.
Another great thing about citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruit is that they contain a compound called naringin. Naringin is believed to help lower inflammation, decrease oxidative stress, improve cholesterol levels, and improve blood sugar, which is vital for keeping our blood vessels clean and healthy.
Try eating a grapefruit with your breakfast or squeezing lemon juice on your salads as easy ways to benefit from these fruits.
An important thing to note is that some citrus fruits can interfere with medications. So, ask your doctor if adding them to your diet is correct.
3. Leafy Greens: Essential for Heart Health and Preventing Heart Attacks
These are excellent sources of vitamin E, which is critical for heart health. Many population studies find individuals with higher levels of vitamin E have a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Vitamin E is also an antioxidant, and it can help stop fibrosis in the arteries and prevent scar tissue inside the arteries from worsening.
Leafy greens also contain a fantastic array of nutrients that help prevent inflammation. Furthermore, they won’t cause a significant spike in blood sugar. Some great greens to add to your diet are spinach, kale, arugula, and cabbage, which can help support healthy blood sugar levels.
As mentioned earlier, some of the worst foods blocking arteries are whole wheat bread and low-fat yogurt. The reason for this is blood sugar; when we digest these foods, they cause a massive spike in blood sugar.
When our blood has too much sugar, this excess can stick to our cholesterol, a process called glycation. When cholesterol becomes glycated, it can stick to the walls of the arteries and lead to blockages. This is why eating greens is so important.
Kale and spinach, for example, contain the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. These antioxidants protect your eyes from macular degeneration, cataracts, and common diabetic complications.
They’re also good sources of vitamin C, a potent antioxidant with anti-inflammatory qualities. As we’ve already mentioned, it’s crucial for arterial health.
Quick tip! 😀
Increasing your intake of greens can be fun and easy. Try adding baby spinach to a smoothie or making kale chips. Either way, be sure to add greens to keep your arteries clean.
2. Pomegranates: Bursting with Antioxidants to Prevent Heart Attacks
These are some of the oldest fruits known to man. They’ve been a symbol of health and fertility in the Middle East for centuries. And, of course, modern science can now prove why they’re so beneficial for health. They contain over 100 phytochemicals and three times the antioxidant levels of red wine and green tea. One single pomegranate contains 40% of the daily intake of vitamin C. Amazing when we know how vital this vitamin is.
So, let’s look at some studies showing how Pomegranates can help support a healthy cardiovascular system. An Iranian research conducted over eight weeks reported that participants who drank concentrated pomegranate juice saw a reduction in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.
However, one of the most notable studies on this fruit was conducted by an Israeli researcher. He reported that when participants consumed pomegranate juice daily for one year, they saw inhibition of LDL cholesterol oxidation. So, in other words, the LDL cholesterol wasn’t becoming damaged; therefore, it’s less likely to lead to blocked arteries.
He also reported a 30% reduction in arterial plaque. Did you hear that? A 30% reduction in plaque! To put that into perspective, if there were a drug that came anywhere close to that sort of result, it would be a worldwide blockbuster. So be sure to add this fruit to your diet and get those arteries sparkling clean.
We’re going to learn about a vitamin that doesn’t get that much attention. You may not even know it exists, yet it’s super important for the health of our blood vessels. It can be found in our number one food, which we’re about to reveal.
1. Natto: A Fermented Superfood to Strengthen Heart Health and Prevent Attacks
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This unusual food is a rich source of vitamin K. Now, this isn’t a vitamin that gets much attention, but one that gets even less attention is vitamin K2.
K1 is found in green, leafy vegetables and can sometimes be converted into K2 in the large intestines. However, getting the dietary form of K2 is deemed better to ensure you’re receiving adequate amounts. This can, of course, be found in natto, the only plant form of K2. So, let’s look at what natto is and why K2 may be one of the most essential vitamins for arterial health.
Natto is made from fermented soybeans. Fermented foods help to provide our gut with healthy bacteria. When natto is fermented, it produces an enzyme called nattokinase, which can help dissolve blood clots.
Natto is also a source of K2, crucial for arterial health because it helps keep calcium out of the arteries and puts it in the bones where it’s needed. Too much calcium in the arteries can lead to blockages. Furthermore, vitamin K2 can help lower inflammation and improve blood sugar control, which are crucial to helping prevent heart attacks and strokes.
A 2004 Dutch study found that people who had more vitamin K2-rich foods had a 57% lower risk of dying from heart disease. This may also be because nattokinase supplements have been shown to lower blood pressure by around 3 to 5 mm of mercury in participants with initial blood pressure values of 130 over 90 or higher.
To enjoy its benefits, try mixing it with rice or vegetables. Many recipes suggest adding green onions and Japanese mustard to complement it.
Key Takeaways!
– Heart disease kills one in three people, more than all forms of cancer combined. The wrong foods can lead to plaques building up on the inside wall of our arteries.
– Flax seeds can prevent cholesterol from depositing in the blood vessels and lower inflammation. Walnuts also contain the highest amount of antioxidants of all tree nuts. Beetroot is an excellent source of iron, fiber, phosphorus, potassium, and folic acid. These nutrients are all helpful for maintaining clean arteries and lowering blood pressure.
– Pomegranates contain more than 100 phytochemicals and three times the antioxidant levels of red wine and green tea. One single pomegranate contains 40% of the daily intake of vitamin C. Studies have shown how Pomegranates can help support a healthy cardiovascular system.
– Natto is made from fermented soybeans. When natto is fermented, it produces an enzyme called nattokinase, which can help to dissolve blood clots. K2 is crucial for arterial health because it helps to keep calcium out of the arteries. It can also lower inflammation and improve blood sugar control.